All of our stock stencils are manufactured in the USA from


We offer our stencils in 2 thicknesses of LDPE:

1/8" thick LDPE is our top performer, this heavy duty material
is second to none in service and life expectancy.


1/16" thick LDPE is our answer to the "part time" stencil.
This stencil will out perform most products on the market
today at only pennies per job.


All of our stencils are designed around D.O.T. specifications.
We can comply with variations in municipal, state or private
specifications when provided with details.


All stencil characters are a standard GOTHIC BLOCK type font.
All wording stencils from 24" to 96" in height are designed around
D.O.T. specifications and are designed to be read at a 22 degree angle.


STENCIL CLEANING: all stencils can be easily cleaned by letting the paint
dry and then "flexing" the plastic and the paint will fall off.